For the author: The link to Mary Baker's website is not functional. Could you update the list with the url link for future readers? I plan to buy this book and spread the word. At last, a workable solution to the problems we experience with people who would otherwise dismiss us as "consist theorists". Thank you Maggie for your efforts. Keep up the good fight.

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Thanks, I just bought it. Any other suggestions are appreciated to fight this in U.S. I’ve read and watched Rosa Koire, but haven’t found “ my group” to work with yet. I see this this all around Seattle & surrounding areas. People said, “ oh good for Louisianba for legislating against U.N. and W.H.O., etc”, but then I went to individual cities online and found Agenda 30- alive & well, hiding in NGO’s all over. Huge projects to redevelop coastlines & rezone populations. Nobody knows it seems. I’m exaggerating, I’m sure they do.

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www.kicklei.ca in Canada, is for the opposition of the agend21 malarkey . you'll find a mountain of resources you would/ should be able to change up for your republic, I'm sure of it. it is a daunting task, I know.

search in the USA perhaps if your city council is partnering with FCM-ICLEI...they are the NGO cohorts

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The crazy thing is our government is now working directly with university leaders and corporate heads in every industry. They are creating alliances to tackle predicted fall-out from civil unrest, internet blackouts, etc. ( defense & security related start-ups) I’m sure gov. money is allocated for this & the corporations & universities are shown how to survive & respond to it all. That way they are all on the same page I guess. Innovations in safety/ security are so much more appreciated by our defense dept. than other random investors. Hmm.. These collaborations are forming in various parts of the U.S. Investors are encouraged to contact them. So money will be invested into this “ peaceful” project. 😳 Plus, anytime I see DUAL-USE, I think of Covid Chaos & Deep State rationale.

NATO- Diana


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Be aware. As you seem. Prepare. Also your spirit. Do not live in fear, but honour only. Putting local politicians to task is the first step to seeing if we can prove a non violent solution from OUR end. Expect their retaliation to be violence. the covid scam was violence on their part. do not forget that. Not saying you are. btw

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It is pbvious the average person is being stepped on. We need solutions because the tyranny is seeping in quicker.

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Thanks Maggie. The link to Mary’s site goes to godaddy as as if the site doesn’t exist

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the sites are being hacked. To be expected and are being addressed as I understand.

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