THANK YOU MAGGIE FOR ADDRESSING THESE ISSUES unfortunately these people suffer from government employee syndrome which causes wide spread butt cheeks from sitting and whining about their terrible disposition. The whining is caused by inhalation of chem-trail metals and mnra blood-brain barrier breaches. This reduction in common sense is actually necessary to achieve Sweet F All in a 6 hr work day, and not giving a shit about taxpayers. This in preparation for collecting their taxpayer funded OMERS welfare cheques and brag about their achievements in farming out difficult things like preventing cow farts n stuff. The real workers are in the private sector, government employees are bought and sold by the highest bidder to ignore we the people. SORRY MAGGIE just a tad pissed off. Why do you even have to bring these valid points? Are they all fg stupid? CONTROL

Thanks john Tait www.watersheddebacle.ca

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Hi Maggie,

Thank you for writing and publishing this article. The pure voice of Common sense which is sadly lacking these days. I think we, as BC residents, have collectively forgotten about the revenue our government receives from Gambling and Cannabis sales.

As of Jan 31 2023 our Province has raked in approximately $157 Million dollars in Cannabis sales. Cannabis was legalized in 2018.

The next incredible revenue generator for this Province is gambling. Since gambling became legal in Government operated Casinos in 1985, the BC Government has amassed over $1 Billion or more per year for the past 39 YEARS!!

It seems to me that the BC Government is making plenty of money to cover all our needs and that’s BEFORE personal income tax. As BC Residents we need to be asking our Government to account for all this revenue because by gosh we certainly have not benefitted from our Provincial Governments windfall.

So why the focus on Climate Crisis? Well that’s another story altogether. Climate Crisis has been manufactured by a group of Elites, a cabal really, bent on realizing a Global Government. A Totalitarian Government employing Fascism as its political ideology.

As a quick example; you may, or may not, have noticed people talking about “Chem” Trails on Social Media, providing pictures of these ‘tracks’ across the sky to low to be created by the condensation that you see behind the jets flying above 26,000 feet.

Chem Trails appear at much lower altitudes. The chemicals they are dumping into the atmosphere allows them to modify the existing weather to create storms where there are none, drought where it hasn’t previously existed, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes every nasty weather event since 1990 has been created by man, not by nature. The chemical soup they use in this process contains Silver Iodide a compound that is Bio Reactive, it messes with the DNA of all biological entities including us. The Elites do not care, maybe they want us to mutate in some way?

The Elites have been simulating Climate Crisis since 1990. They have also used weather modification to bring other countries to heal by affecting their food production by drought or flood.

Climate Crisis is their “excuse” for Global Government. The excuse for Elite rule over the planet and its people. Their agenda, Agenda 21, blames us for the state of the climate! I do not recall any worker bee individual on this planet who has been responsible for anything that could possibly impact our planet or our climate.

Greedy Elites, Governments & Corporations on the other hand are responsible for raping & killing the planet wherever they go, in the name of Capitalism. For them it’s all about Money. They do not care about us, we are less than human to them. Good for working, nothing else.

Unfortunately for the Elites, their 34 year brainwashing program didn’t work on all of us. We see what they are doing and we try to warn everyone. Elites labeled us ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ nut jobs with nothing better to do than poke holes in all their brilliant ideas and plans. There is indeed a conspiracy. A Conspiracy of Elites, 176 Governments, 300+ Corporate Partners and all of the Global Acronyms (UN, WEF, WHO, ICC, IMF & NATO).

Our lives have been a carefully manipulated lie for 34 years.

Today, We are at a turning point in Human evolution once again. There have been 5 mass extinctions (a loss of 75% of Earth’s species over a short time). Many believe we are currently in the final phase of a 6th mass extinction. What do you think? Is religions Armageddon a prophecy? A warning that if the Darkness of Greed, Power and Control succeed we will be “reset” for the 6th time? Quite possibly, yes.

This is just a super high level look at one small aspect of a much larger scale plan. I recommend every person visit weforum.org where you will find everything the Elite cabal has been up to. They already have their future ‘government’ councils set up. They use all the “buzz” words the Millennials and the Woke love to hear but if you really read into it you see that their “government’ is geared to them. We will be enslaved if we can work or executed if we can’t.

The grand pubah, Klaus Schwab, labeled those unable to work “Useless Eaters” can’t have those people around they cost money.

What can we do? Well we can’t fight them conventionally as they have all the weapons known to man. What they do not have is a collective majority. We, on the other hand CAN create a collective majority because we have numbers and they do not.

I have a lot of thoughts about that. If anyone is interested in learning more about our increasingly tenuous hold on any form of Democracy please visit The Great RESIST on Substack or TheGreatRESIST.01 at Signal.

We can stop the Elites from realizing their global regime. They have erroneously assumed that we are barely intelligent apes. I mean they gutted the education system 34 years ago for the purpose of “dumbing” down the population. That has been successful to be sure. Then they added Internet, Smartphones and Social Media to keep us busy and to create a subliminal indoctrination program.

Our soon to be new reality, if we do not unite and stop the Elites, has been foretold in every religious text out there.

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An important effort to make them aware but when will anyone get back to you or ever show concern about real issues? I admire your dedication to this work but brainwashing has been most effective in Leftist politics and I keep wondering what will it take. Elections matter!

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