Including 2018 to 2023...in those 6 years, my Thorold Municipal Tax Bill increased by 100%.

That's an average of 16.6% per year...when the inflation rate for 4 of those years 2018 to 2021

was under 4%!! Most of the increased tax rate was in the Regional Gov't taxes!!

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While citizens are expected to fork over millions, billions and eventually at least 4.5 TRILLION to the globalist "gods" of the climate, many experts challenge their seamless narrative:

"the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has disputed claims of increasing climate disasters.

Organizations such as the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the International Red Cross (IFRC) have reported a rise in climate-related disasters. However, the GWPF has argued that these reports are misleading, suggesting that technological advancements since the 1970s have led to increased disaster reporting rather than an actual rise in disasters.

The new study by Italian scientists Gianluca Alimonti and Luigi Mariani in Environmental Hazards claimed a declining trend in the number of natural and climate-related disasters in the 21st century."

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Insanity. We operate on an assumption that another narrative coming ultimately from the bodies who have also told us they want to control a world with a much smaller population. Control us in horrendous ways where personal rights have been removed from the documents.

There are thousands of the most highly credible experts in the world that have, despite being censored, there is no climate crisis resulting from man's and animals C02 emissions.

To underline the questionability of the narrative, those behind it will not allow debate or discussion about it.

So we are prepared to take extremely radical steps to prevent something that cannot be prevented because the climate is always changing and not a wiff of truth came out of 40 some odd prior predictions. We are willing to put human lives at high risk here while other countries, the largest contributers continue to build new coal burn operations weekly with no regard whatsoever to the climate. Do they have the opposite narrative and now lapping the world as they spend nothing on reduction while other countries are literally bankrupting themselves over it. Do we not recognize we cannot get anywhere unless the largest contributers do a 180 which they never will.

Why can we not see the massive advantages we are providing our biggest adversary as they have an abundance of cheap energy and can out compete anyone on anything just because they don't recognize there is any global warming.

It is a senseless intended collosal waste and weakens us in the extreme. Certain people have created this unbalanced situation and anyone who listens to what the experts, including the ex head of Greenpeace, have to say, they will find very compelling arguements that I believe would sway any semi intelligent person to change thier mind or on the least, have some serious questions for those supporting the narrative. This is far from settled science. No common sense here. It is very logical to conclude that the nation's ignoring the " crisis" 100%, do not believe the narrative.

Further that is has been very strategically created to manipulate adversaries . A large piece of the machine tieing us up with regulations for business and climate, that will ultimately make

assuming complete control of thier adversaries relatively easily and without excessive violence.

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