Great work, Maggie.

It's good to have this precedent. Loved the comment, “parroting the (United Nations) company line," and your mention of 'data harvesting on behalf of private industry.' There's so much to build on here :-)

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It’s good to have this precedent. Loved the comment, “parroting the (United Nations) nompany line,” and your mention of ‘data harvesting on behalf of private industry.’ There’s so Munch to build on here :-)

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Good news!

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Excellent work. ICLEI and UNDRIP are a cancer to society. Would love to know what next steps are in the region. Traveller Visa workers used to replace Canadians is currently an epidemic in Niagara. Would love to connect with all of you instrumental in this excellent win in CommieFordNation

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Are you referring to Doug Fraud?

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Congratulations everyone!

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Wonderful news.

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FANTASTIC!!!! Sharing!

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Thank you for posting this. I watched Thorold council meeting in March 2024. At that time only one councillor, Carmen DeRose, spoke out quietly about the climate crisis and his comments were dismissed. I sent him an email telling him that he was on the right track and urged him to contact Shelagh McFarlan, an editor with Druthers news. He returned my email, thanked me and said he would contact Shelagh. Maggie Braun somehow got into the mix and she has done a great job getting community support. I am suggesting to a group in Orillia that we do the same. People power only in numbers.

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Here is How Deep State Handles Substack Subscribers

And what you can do about it

Len Ber, MD

Jan 07, 2025

After months of investigations of my Substack subscribers data, as well as Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, we discovered how subscribers e-mails have been handled.

Someone is logging into the accounts, and deleting existing subscribers from the list, while replacing them with the “dummy” e-mail accounts.

Because of this, the total number of subscribers remains about the same, but real subscribers stop receiving notifications when new articles are published.

If you are a subscriber, please make sure that your account is active, and you are receiving updates. If you have been unsubscribed, please re-subscribe, and let both Substack and the Substack Newsletters know this has happened.


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This is fantastic ! Well done everyone!

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Short sighted similar to NIMBY arguments or throwing the baby out with the bathwater I would like to hear what solutions this council is going to embrace. It is easy to naysay anything but isolating oneself unwise at best, and may be eliminating opportunities and ideas..

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a visual to go with my other comment


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in case you don't want to open telegram ..


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the question here is solutions to what? Because there is no climate emergency. So why are we turning everybody's economy upside down, while all the money is flowing to the elites?


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