Is there a list of munincipalities currently involved?

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Novel approach: Proof of harm caused by alleged green alternatives ‘before production and after' can be leveraged to enlighten all levels of government and unelected bureaucrats who remain unaware.


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Some interesting action from a local government in Australia.


Alternate video location, if you're not on twitter. https://old.bitchute.com/video/yvsiT4Pori2m/

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Awesome ~ however it seems that those NGO monetary carrots feed a lot of municipalities and it seems ridiculous to ask my council who completely disregard my several indicators of the direction this is headed, so I'm dealing with either a very aligned with the UN Council which means they are actually not working in a human rights constitutionally, nor are they listening to their people. I will admit we have a higher percentage of EV cars in my small town.

So approaching a municipality that feels lost needs more than just me. All others concerned in my small town of Gibsons are hiding it seems.

My substack titled "Any Town, Anywhere Canada"


So needless to say... this step seems quite far reaching for me.

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