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Community Call Summary

May 17, 2024

Community Call Summary

Updates and Resources:

  1. Central Hastings Delegation:

    • Michael reported successful engagement with the council, noting their willingness to participate in future meetings and the challenges of bureaucratic processes.

  2. City of Edmonton:

    • Rhonda is planning a deputation for Edmonton's upcoming council meeting on the 15-minute city initiative, highlighting the urgency and the difficulty of engaging during daytime meetings.

  3. Book Recommendations:

    • "Citizen Ninja" by Mary Baker was recommended as a resource for advocacy against sustainable development agendas.Citizen Ninja Book: Citizen Ninja on Amazon

  4. Website and Delegation Scripts:

    • New five-minute delegation scripts are available, aimed at addressing FCM KICLEI programs like the Partners for Climate Protection Program. KICLEI Website: KICLEI Canada

  5. Climate Science 101:

    • A guide with 50 scientific facts focused on Canada’s energy needs and environmental stewardship is in development to support local decision-makers.

  6. Effective Community Organizing:

    • Guides on community organizing and advocacy, including town hall meetings and newsletters, are being developed.

Local Delegation Successes and Plans:

  1. Vancouver City Agenda:

    • Susan shared her experience at a C40 cities meeting, distributing information and asking critical questions.

  2. Simcoe County:

    • Shauneen discussed the challenges of addressing FCM KICLEI programs entangled in local conservation authority and strategies for engaging municipalities.

  3. Bayham Municipality:

    • Vincent reported positive reception of a delegation on the Partners for Climate Protection program, with further discussions planned.

  4. Port Hope:

    • Autumn and Marcy are organizing to address the climate emergency declaration and high-density housing developments, with a meeting planned with local councillors.

  5. Peterborough County:

    • Maggie’s meeting with the mayor of Douro-Dummer was positive and there is now a strong anticipation of meeting more mayors and councillors in the Peterborough County area. A significant development discussed was the city's decision to stop funding Sustainable Peterborough at the end of the year, prompting the county to plan its replacement. Our local efforts will focus on advocating for local environmental stewardship over GHG Reduction and local priorities with practical solutions. This invitation is seen as a positive step towards reducing the influence of international lobbyists on the local community and fostering a more collaboration between the public and our local representatives.

Upcoming Events and Actions:

  1. FCM Conference in Calgary (June 6-9):

  2. Victoria Workshops and Events:

Additional Resources:

  1. Climate at a Glance App:

    • John recommended the Climate at a Glance app for accessible climate-related information.

  2. Town Hall Posters and Statement of Support:

    • Posters for town hall meetings and a statement of support to opt out of the PCP program are available on the KICLEI website. KICLEI Website: KICLEI Canada

  3. Community Action Plans:

    • Guides on conducting town hall meetings, meeting with councillors, and understanding municipal procedures are being developed.

Platform and Organizational Tools:

  1. YouTube Channel:

    • The Gather 2030 YouTube channel has been rebranded to KICLEI Canada, featuring various resources and informative videos.

  2. Network Intake Form:

Call to Action:

  1. Reading and Advocacy Preparation:

    • Attendees are encouraged to read "Citizen Ninja" to enhance advocacy skills.

  2. Delegation Follow-Ups:

    • Central Hastings: Michael to maintain communication with the council.

    • Edmonton: Rhonda to consider a deputation and coordinate with Maggie for support.

  3. Resource Utilization:

    • Review and use the five-minute delegation scripts and stay updated on the "Climate Science 101" guide.

  4. Community Organizing:

    • Strengthen local organizing efforts using new guides and articles on the KICLEI website and build relationships with supportive councillors.

  5. Specific Municipal Actions:

    • Simcoe County: Seanine and Terry to strategize with supportive councillors.

    • Port Hope: Autumn and Marcy to meet with councillors about the climate emergency declaration.

    • Bayham Municipality: Vincent to follow up with councillors on the PCP program.

  6. Event Preparations:

    • Vancouver Island (We Unify Event): Summer, Karen, and Maria to finalize logistics for Maggie’s visit and workshop.

  7. Website and Resource Updates:

    • Utilize new resources on the website, including French flyers and town hall posters, and check out the updated KICLEI Canada YouTube channel.

  8. Community Call Participation:

    • Fill out the intake form on the KICLEI website and participate in the next community call.

  9. Ongoing Advocacy and Communication:

    • Continue to follow up on previous delegations, maintain communication with council members, and organize local workshops and meetings.

Additional Resources and Contacts:

Links Shared in the Chat:

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